

Land Remediation

Land Farming

SPHAG SORB for use in land farming for the bioremediation of contaminated soils.

SPHAG SORB is an absorbent that can be transferred straight from a hydrocarbon or organic chemical spill to a remediation cell or land farm operation, or added into an existing land farm operation. The addition of SPHAG SORB to contaminated soil will absorb and encapsulate contaminates reducing the potential for the pollutants to leach to surrounding areas and also provide harbors that support microbial growth.

SPHAG SORB is partially fossilized plant matter with a porosity of about 95% and a large specific area which provides the environment necessary for the aerobic biodegradation of pollutants. SPHAG SORB aids in providing the proper environment for rapid bacterial growth and reproduction by maintaining a loose soil condition which allows for the required penetration of Air, Water and Heat down into the soil mixture for the bacterial digestion of pollutants. SPHAG SORB is an organic material that degrades over a longer period of time reducing the number of applications of amendments compared to traditionally used materials.

SPHAG SORB will also aid in reducing the unpleasant odors that can be released when the bioremediation process is taking place because it is also an excellent vapor suppressant.

Microbe enhanced SPHAG SORB contains strains of microorganisms that survive on hydrocarbon waste substances allowing it to utilize it as a carbon source and speed up the degradation process.


Soil Remediation


SPHAG SORB is a natural product made from sphagnum peat moss. Our dehydration and screening process, to the optimum moisture content, provides maximum absorbtion and encapsulation. The natural wicking action that has made SPHAG SORB so effective in hydrocarbon clean up, works equally as well in soil remediation. When contaminated soil touches SPHAG SORB, it will draw the hydrocarbon from the soil and encapsulate it. Once encapsulated, the hydrocarbon is not released and the natural capillary structure of SPHAG SORB provides a harbor for oxygen and moisture necessary in the bioremediation process. It is important to remember that the contaminated soil must touch the SPHAG SORB.

In order to have this process work properly one must first define the exterior edges of the contaminated area. Next, the soil must be loosened with an industrial rotor tiller until the bottom of the contamination is reached. Spread SPHAG SORB over the loosened area three to four inches deep, then rotor till the SPHAG SORB until it is thoroughly mixed with the soil. This process must be repeated until the SPHAG SORB reaches the bottom of the contaminated soil. The fibrous characteristic of SPHAG SORB maintains a loose soil condition, which enables a deeper penetration of moisture and oxygen. You will notice the SPHAG SORB change from its normal light brown colour to dark brown as it absorbs the oil from the soil.

If using Bacterial Enhanced SPHAG SORB, the process is much the same, other than water should be added on a regular basis, and the bioremediation occurs much quicker.


Microbe Enhanced Sphag Sorb


Our SS-2ME microbial product is specially formulated and contains several types of microorganisms that are added in our filling system at the rate of approximately 680 Billion colony-forming units per bag.

Petrochemical Use

This formulation contains several types of microorganisms that can degrade aliphatic and Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbon chemicals. It contains Microflora that survives on hydrocarbon waste substances allowing it to be used as a source of carbon. Being extremely resistant to toxic effects of the chemical pollutant fraction, they are able to multiply and metabolize in the presence of certain heavy metals. These safe, nonpathogenic microbes produce a broad spectrum of enzyme systems. Because of the diversity of the microorganisms and proprietary biological enzyme systems, this product is excellent for all types of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbon degradation.

Bacteria Cultures/Spores

Many different types of bacteria exist extensively throughout our world, and most of them carry on bacterial digestion in some way. Some of them require specialized types of food and/or have unique biological roles. Certain species we find useful and desirable, while others cause odors, disease, and other problems. Isolating and culturing these good bacteria means they can be used in a wide variety of waste degradation applications. Bacteria reproduce by a process called cell division, and under ideal conditions can produce a new generation every 20 to 30 minutes, exploding the population as the number of organisms increases logarithmically.

Bacteria Digestion

Bacteria digestion is the process by which bacteria consumes organic matter. Bacteria feed’s on the organic waste, deriving nutrition for growth and reproduction. Using complex chemical reactions, the organic waste is metabolized down to water and carbon dioxide (the final metabolic waste products), providing the bacteria with the necessary energy to sustain their life. The result of this process is that the organic waste is consumed, producing no odours, pollution, or unsightly mess. It is a natural process that occurs constantly in the environment. Our microbial formulation merely assists Mother Nature by adding massive amounts of specific bacterial-enzymes to hasten this remediation.




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Earth Care Products

Earth Care Products is the manufacturer and distributor of the SPHAG SORB line of products. The company is a privately owned Canadian company established in 1991.

Earth Care Products

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